Principle 1 – The goal is to earn money.
The goal of Poker is not playing up to the players but to earn money.
If you’re having fun, note the players around the table and the gains and losses for each. You’ll see that most of the losers are those who play the most games. Keep in mind that some players look for luck, and occasionally find it and their stack will grow until bad luck also finds them, because they are playing too many hands. You want to play against those players that look for luck, but play only the good hands and you will reap rewards from their bad luck.
Why? Because they often engage in more hands, as they have weak cards in hands that will not allow them to beat their opponents.
Principle 2 – Play the good parts
Ask yourself the question: What differentiates your game than your opponents?
Answer: Your 2 pocket cards. Everything starts from pre-flop action.
You must commit yourself to a hand only if your pockets cards give you an edge over your opponents or a reasonable probability of success.
And psychologically in all this, where is the famous bluff in Poker? Contrary to popular belief, bluffing is rarely used and not even a practice used very much by professionals in Poker, except in heads up play and short handed games. Before talking about psychology, talk about technique and strategy. Continually read about and watch good poker.
Return to Las Vegas March 9-14, 2024 and a Weighty Decision
I almost can't believe that it has now been over six months since I have
been to Las Vegas. A variety of circumstances have led to this half-year
break. T...
3 days ago
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